Friday, September 16, 2011

9-15-11 - Marc Jacobs Collection

...and for a second season, Miss Katrina walking for Marc Jacobs!

 Anyone want to guess who is holding the ruffle on her skirt? 
Yes, that would be Marc Jacobs! 



 (Thanks Tyler for the screen shot!)

And if you missed the live stream, HERE is a video!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9-15-11 - Marc Jacobs Live Streaming!!!

Thursday (9-15-11) at 8pm (Eastern) or 7pm(Central), Katrina will be walking for Marc Jacobs for a second season! :)

Follow this link to his website and the live stream!

9-14-11 - Jeremy Scott! (now with video!)

I already love Katrina's freckles, 
but this just takes it to the next level...


(Thanks Billy!)

On the Runway:

 Katrina laughed at the irony of herself "shooting" the photographers who were "shooting" her. 
...and once again, I love Billy Rood! (click on the picture!)

Here is the video!

Billy Rood!

Many thanks to Billy Rood! He is an awesome photographer that has mastered how to capture the true essence of Katrina. 

I know we all GREATLY appreciate it!

9-13-11 - Frank Tell (updated 9-15)

Ta Da!



and thank you Yahoo! News for this wonderful shot!

After the show:

9-12-11 Creatures of the Wind

Many thanks to all who supplied pictures!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9-12-11 Chris Benz

And now Chris Benz!


(It is fantastic!)


Katrina was SUPER excited when Nate Berkus stopped by and took a picture of her.

9-11-11 - Parkchoonmoo

Here she is walking for Parchoonmoo:


Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-10-11 Vivienne Tam

The second live streaming show for the day - Vivienne Tam!

(Katrina did say it was a little weird to turn around at the end of the runway and see herself.)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

9-10-11 Charlotte Ronson

Here she is walking for Charlotte Ronson! 
We were extremely excited to be able to watch 
the runway show on a live stream!

9-10-10 ADAM (pics added 9-11-11)

Here she is walking for ADAM for a second season:


On the Runway:

And Video!