Who: Katrina Hoernig
Agency: Viviens
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I actually had a really good breakfast today. Museli, yoghurt, blueberries and a kiwi.
By ‘kiwi’ do you mean ‘kiwifruit’? Yeah we just call them ‘kiwi’!
What were you doing at 9:15pm last night? Cooking dinner and watching The Ides of March.
Pick two – Good looking, emotionally stable, intelligent: Good looking and intelligent because I’m not emotionally stable, ever.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Live your life!
What’s a trend you hate? Harem pants. They’re not attractive.
Tall or Short? Tall
Blonde or Brunette? Brunette
Chucks or Vans? Chucks
Gold or Silver? Gold
Tumblr or Pinterest? Tumblr. I hate Pinterest. I love Tumblr!
What’s the last thing you bought? Coffee.
What’s something someone can do to impress you? Treat me like a regular person, not like a model. Don’t ask me about modelling, ask me about me!